Sunday 3 January 2016

You're purrfect (& punny!)


Welcome to day 2 of the Clearly Besotted sneak peeks of the January release! If you missed yesterday's 'hoppy' sneak peek you can check it out here. All of these goodies will be available to purchase from 10pm (GMT) 5th January.

I'm back with yet another punny card today. What can I say? I just can't resist them! Today's card features the set, You're Purrfect. I love cats so I was very happy when this set landed on my desk! The hardest part of this card was deciding which cats to feature as there's a total of eight cute kitties to choose from. I couldn't possibly just stamp one, so I came up with a design that would let me have four. :)

tips and tricks
  • In order to stamp the cats in a straight line, I lightly drew a line across the card front as a guide. If you've got an acrylic block long enough you can position the stamps on the card front and pick them up together onto the block. It means you only have to stamp once too!
  • I wanted to show that these cutie-patootie sets are not only for colouring. I think they look fab as an outline image, but if you wanted to add some colour and you're not confident at colouring you could aways paper-piece them.
  • I rounded the top two corners of the card to complement the circular sentiment. It's just a little finishing touch that adds a bit of interest.
  • Although the sentiment doesn't say 'Valentine's', this would make a lovely Valentine's Day card for someone who loves cats (Hmm...I wonder if Mr Gray has his Valentine's card or even our first anniversary card organised yet? *wink*)

Well I think that I'm almost out of puns for now, so if you've not hopped across here from Stephanie's, then take a peek over there because not only does she have gorgeous samples to tease you with, but there's links to everyone else on the Design Team sharing inspiration galore with January's release!

As always, thank you so much for stopping by here today!



Michelle Short said...

LOVE this, Aimes! I really love the design and the colours xx

Craftychris said...

So cute! Love the way you have used just the outlines - fabulous idea! xxx

Mandy said...

this is adorable Aimes x

Ruth said...

This is so super cute!! Love the outline images in pink. Very effective. Xx

Maureen said...

You crack me up, Duchess! I love seeing uncoloured images because I rarely do it so thanks for the inspiration! I'm sure Mr. Gray has something special ready to celebrate your first year as husband and wife :). Ox

Judith said...


Maxine said...

I love how you used the pink for the outline stamps. Really effective! Xx

Karen P said...

Adorable and oh so cute too, TFS Karen x

TaeEun said...

The cats look so cute in pink!

Anonymous said...

This is so cute, I love Clearly besotted stamps and this has definitely jumped to the top of my "Must Have" list!

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I am on various design teams and receive free product to use and promote. I geniunely love the products of the companies and all opinons are honest and my own.

I'm flattered if I've inspired you and you want to CASE anything of mine, but please don't enter it for commercial publications or competitions.
Thank You!
All designs, text, and photographs on Crafting Confessions are ©2009-2016 to Amy Gray unless stated otherwise.