Happy Boxing Day! I hope y'all had a fabby Christmas day too! Chris and I managed to travel to our families thanks to the bright sun melting some ice and snow - though there's still a fair bit around so we celebrated a very preddy Christmas day. I over indulged along with my dad; we always do as we can't bear the thought of food being wasted LOL!
So today, apart from it being Boxing Day and my Mum's Birthday (another card to share there later!), I'm sharing the gift tags I made for my nieces and nephews' presents. I think I was having a crazy spell with this idea - the presents looked lovely with the tags but why oh why did I add making 7 tags to the never ending list of things to be done?!
Now when I get around to uploading some more cards I created for Christmas you'll totally realise that I'm on a colouring obsession at the mo! (I think it's because I find it so relaxing amongst all the chaos) So I wanted something fun, cute and fun to colour for the gift tags and found the perfect solution over at All That Scraps! I purchased some Digi images...now I'm not a complete convert to 'em because nothing beats geting inky, but they're fab when you're in a real rush and have no time to wait for rubber to arrive on your doorstep!
So without further ado let's crack on with all seven tags shall we?


...Cora...actually I tend to call her Cora Lilly-Belle but there was no way that was fitting on this tag LOL!...




...and last, but by no means least, Charlie who is celebrating his first Christmas!

All the images were printed on PTI Stampers' Select White Cardstock, coloured with Promarkers and mounted onto various PTI cardstock using my Nesties. The lettering comes from a book of alphabet transfers that I accidentally found whilst looking for something else - don't ya love it when that happens?!
And while I'm uploading, I've just realised I can enter this for the current challenge over at A Passion for Promarkers - what a bonus!
Right, I'm off to celebrate my Mum's birthday and then tonight I'm off for a catch up with some friends so it could well be a late one ;D
Catch ya later!
hi aimes.
you are really good in coloring. the image look absolutely amazing!
enjoy your holiday! =)
Oh Aimes, I think your mad adding extra work but they are absolutely adorable and I'm sure their pressies looked amazing! Have a fab boxing day and enjoy your evening with friends:)
Big hugs
Vicki x
Hi Aimes, what gorgeous little tags. The images are so cute and your colouring is awesome. Thanks for joining in with our mega Christmas challenge over at PFP. Hugs, Denise x
These are very sweet! The lettering is amazing and your coloring fab! I hope you had a happy holiday!
what fabbie tags...they could use them for their bedroom doors...you're such a nice auntie:)
these are so wonderful!! What bright, happy colours :) I've only done a few things with digi stamps...I need to learn how to edit them on my computer so I don't waste so much paper :) I'm glad you and Chris made it safely to your family...it's been very cold here, but no new snow. I'm avoiding the crazy shopping day here and might go to a movie with my SIL and niece :) Got a new camera from my dh!! :D Hope Santa was good to you too :)
Cute, cute, cute!!! So glad you had a happy Christmas! We got LOTS of snow Christmas night until this morning...think I pulled a muscle shoveling it all! LOL!
Hi Aimes! These tags are amazing! I love your colouring, it`s perfect! Need to practice on this...
I hope Santa was generous! Have to admit that I am sooooo glad Christmas is over...
Aimes these are gorgeous, I love, love, love them all!
Hope you've enjoyed your xmas. You must be mad, adding extra work, but it was worth it! (I only just managed to stop myself doing Tilda tags, so I'm teetering on the brink of madness, too. LOL)
I love 'Thomas' with his antlers and candy-cane jumper. So cute!
Alison X
PS, What does 'preddy' mean?
absolutely stunning tags, your colouring is fabulous
thanks for joining us on the PfP Xmas Extravaganza and good luck
WOW-WEE Aimes,
SO special - how lovely are you to do all of this beautiful work :D
Big smuches too for the amazing 'button' candy hee hee - oh how it did make me smile.
Sending all my love for a happy & healthy 2010 :D
Emma xxxxx
These labels for your nieces and nephews are lovely! I hope they're going to treasure them :)
Hope you're well.
Bye for now,
Alex x
Hi Aimes, these tags are super cute, love em..........they must have took ages, you are so patient!! I got my PTI order by the way so maybe I can join in with some of your challenges.
Thanks for playing along at PFP.
Oh these look just so gorgeous! Very clean and simple but yet very elegant! Thanks for joining and good luck in the draw of the wonderful prizes!
Hugs Ida
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