I confess that I have now managed to force myself to scoff some chocolate Easter goodies. I think I've probably munched a weeks worth in one night but it just went so perfectly with a good cuppa I couldn't be left with tea and no choc LOL!
Well I was really hoping to be able to post a couple of pics from my holiday tonight as my boyfriend said he'd get round to uploading them today, however, although he's managed to turn on the PC, log-on, check his e-mail and catch up on his own techie forums he's yet to plug the darn camera into the machine! I'm not quite sure how to get him to do it, I don't want to nag, I hate nagging but then if I attempt to do it myself I'll do something wrong or his camera will break and it'll all be my fault! How do you lot get men to do stuff? Any suggestions welcome!
Anyways, on a much less nagging note I've been nominated for a blog award - yay!!!! Thank you so much Alison - I love visiting your blog and if any of you haven't pop across now and check it out!

So it gives me great pleasure to pass this on to the following:
Right then off to nag, ooops! I mean coax my boyfriend into getting these pics sorted!
Catch ya later!
Nice to see you home safely, can't wait to see those pics!
Aww thanks Aimes for nominating me for this blog award - it's really kind of you and much appreciated.
Fingers crossed you sweet talk your boyfriend to upload your holiday pictures soon :) I can't wait to see some pictures of Canada.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Bye for now,
Alex x
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