Well it's the 10th of the month which means that it's time for a new Clearly Besotted Stamps challenge!
We're back after a summer break from the challenges and just in time for autumn, so it seems rude not to dedicate this month's challenge to it. Yup, we want to see autumnal creations with some Clearly Besotted Stamps goodies.
Only this week have I started to experience that warm, fuzzy feeling I get when autumn is approaching. It's my favourite season of the year by far and it might sound strange, but I love those foggy, sometimes frosty, mornings and watching the colours of the leaves turn into rich, beautiful shades of red and gold. Pass me my boots, I'm totally ready to embrace the season (and maybe pick a conker or two!) LOL!
I took a modern, contemporary take on the challenge with my focus on autumn being a die-cut of CBS's gorgeous maple leaf from the Autumn Flowers Die Collection. The colours share a hint of autumn courtesy of a scrap of gold Cricut iron-on material I had on my desk and a splattering of gold Ranger Perfect Pearls mixed with water. I'm going to 'fess up that I have our forthcoming wedding on the brain and these are our chosen colours so it's no surprise that they ended up on this card. :)
I really hope you can find the time to join in the fun with us! If you haven't already, please pop across to CBS HQ where you can find full deets of the challenge and see what the rest of the CBS DT inked up - you won't be disappointed!
That's all from me today. I actually have today booked off from the day job - feels pretty weird to be able to book days off by choice when you've had your holiday time decided for you for the past 10 years! Still, it's going to be anything but relaxing with more planning to do but it's amazing to think how much you can plan when you have an impending deadline looming! ;)
Thanks so much for stopping by today!
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