Phew what a day! I'm getting drenched here in the not-so-sunny Sheffield today, seems whenever I'm out and about running an errand the heavens burst and now I'm sat at the PC it's bloomin' sunny outside - typcial eh?!
Anyways enough whinging, let's get on to a card shall we?
So if you've been watching the news you'll know that it's been results time for GCSEs and A-Levels. Chris' brother, Matt was one of those nervous students wondering if he'd got the grades he needed to go to Uni - oh I remember that anxiety/excitement like it was yesterday!
Anyways Matt did really well and we're really happy that he's got into his first choice of Uni so it's just a matter of packing up and going! I wouldn't be babbling about this if it didn't require a card right? So in order to celebrate Matt's achievement I made yet another masculine card (though I wanted to have some fun with bold colours to celebrate!)

Matt liked his card anyways and I hope you like it too!

Right then, I'm off to the cinema tonight with Chris - I've no idea what we're gonna see (it's his choice!) but I've just had my hair cut and finished so I'm feeling fab and ready for a nice night out! I hope y'all have a FABULOUS bank holiday weekend! It's gonna be a birthday, a soggy BBQ, a lucky flutter on the Dogs and maybe the Casino for me - I'll explain later....!
Catch ya later!