Friday 22 May 2009

Friday - Woo Hoo!!!


Happy Friday everyone!!! I'm especially happy as it'll very soon officially be Half Term which means, you guessed it, more time for housework oops I mean crafting LOL!

So before I start I just thought I'd say a HUGE thanks to the ever so lovely Alison for nominating me for this blog award.

This blog award is slightly different as it requires me to reveal 10 honest things about myself - I'm not sure if you'll be back if I'm truly honest (LOL!)

Okay, so here goes:

1. I have no middle name!

2.I am a natural red-head, my hair DOES NOT come from a bottle!

3.With reference to no.2, I do and have always had one strand of white hair since I was a baby!

4. I deal with pretty much any situation with humour - I know it's inappropriate at times but I can't help it!

5. My older brother had a pet tarantula that he used to threaten me with.

6. I have a fear of Spiders (probably something to do with no.5...)

7. I drive an automatic car even though I'm qualified to drive a manual (I'm just lazy LOL!)

8.I have a degree in Law though I hardly seem to use it!

9. My fave tipple is a refreshing G&T

10. I am a night owl - I can stay up soooooo late without struggling but I hate the mornings!

Okay so are you still with me? Well if you are then I now have to pass this on to 7 people who I would like to get to know a little better....

So in alphabetical order, and apologies if you have received this already, I would like to get to know:

1. Alex
2. Debbi
3. Emma
4. Kate
5. Sarah B
6. Steph (though I know you're not bloggin' at the mo - I miss your blog honey! You can do this for your shiny new one when you come back from Florida - I'm sooooo jealous!)
7. Erm...well I sadly don't know anyone else who I think will do can be yourself and if you choose to do it then leave a comment so I can come and check it out!

Thanks so much for stopping by and sorry to bore you, I promise I'll get crafty as soon as and post!

Catch ya later!



debbi taylor said...


I did this last night - and was going to pick you but alison already had lol! x

have a great weekend...

Emma said...

Hi Aimes,

Congratulations on your well deserved award, I love that your a red head, some of the best people are you know. My family consists of really red to strawberries (apart from me)and I love them all.

Have a great weekend,

Luv Emma x

Sarah B said...

Thank you so much Aimes, Gonna have to think about this though, will post on Sunday, Hugs Sarah B X

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I am on various design teams and receive free product to use and promote. I geniunely love the products of the companies and all opinons are honest and my own.

I'm flattered if I've inspired you and you want to CASE anything of mine, but please don't enter it for commercial publications or competitions.
Thank You!
All designs, text, and photographs on Crafting Confessions are ©2009-2016 to Amy Gray unless stated otherwise.