Thursday 17 May 2012

Flower + Stem = Eggs + Bacon

This is my second post of the day! Please scroll down to check out my CASE Study post - Thanks! :)


My oh my! How quickly does a month go by? It seems like only yesterday I was having the pleasure of giving you sneak peeks of the April release from The Craft's Meow and here we are again with the May release!

The Craft's Meow

You're in for a treat today as we get to give you a sneaky peeky of the gorgeous set, Flower Garden, designed by Nina.B. This set features beautiful block images of flowers giving you the flexibility to ink to perfection! However, when I was playing with this set, I had an idea and just had to roll with it:

Eggs & Bacon

Where are the flowers, you ask? Well I promise you that I was not under the influence of any intoxicating drugs whilst making this (apart from tea and chocolate) . I honestly saw eggs and bacon in Nina's designs!!! The flower makes for a fabulous friend egg when embossed and given a good dollop of glossy accents:

egg  close up

Couldn't you just poke that yolk?! :)

The stem is stamped in Terracotta Tile ink, then flipped and stamped again (without re-inking!) to create a rasher of bacon. I know, I know, I'm crazy - but luckily Nina.B finds this idea funny too - phew!

Now obviously this wasn't intended to be an eggs and bacon set, so be sure to check out what the rest of the TCM DT whipped up to get more sneaky peeks. Oh, and be sure to welcome our Guest Designers too - we're so happy to have Sharri Seffens and Annette Allen on board with us this month!

Fancy winning this set for yourself? Then be sure to pop across the the TCM Blog and leave a comment today!

Thanks so much for stopping by today, and for tolerating my kinda crazy approach to floral stamp set! I'll be back tomorrow with another sneaky peek - don't worry, not as crazy as this one!

Catch ya later!

Card Deets
{We Belong Together}
Stamps: Flower Garden (The Craft's Meow)
Ink: Versamark (Tsukineko)/Terracotta Tile (Papertrey Ink)
Cardstock: White (Papertrey Ink)
Patterned Paper: Basic White 6x6 Collection (Basic Grey)
Accessories: Detail White Embossing Powder (Stampendous)/Yellow Marker (Promarker)/Glossy Accents (Ranger)/Alphabet Stickers (My Little Shoebox)


Miesje said...

Very creative! I love it.

~amy~ said...

You are a creative genius Teamie and now I'm hungry:)

Renee V said...

Crazy but cool !!

Annette Allen said...

I so love how you used this awesome...

Geri said...

That's some pretty bacon you're cookin' up!! Cute!!

Anonymous said...

Scambled brains think alike! Love the concept and creativity....a flower or an egg...all in the eye of the beholder.

Amy Kolling said...

Of course you made this! I love your thinking! Such a creative out of the box way to use these florals! Love it Aimes!

Christina said...

This is so incredibly fun and creative! Love it!

Miriam Prantner said...

You are a breakfast genius! Love this!!!

Chunyuan said...

Genius use of the stamp and yummy card!

Margie said...

Its great to see what you can envisage from some flower stamps! Good for you - your card is brilliant.

sharon g said...

I LOVE to see different uses for stamps!

Holly AKA KopyKat said...

bacon and eggs are so cute, love it

Larissa Heskett said...

OMG!! This is TOO FUNNY!! =) THANKS for sharing and have a FABULOUS WEEK!! =)

Luv2talk said...

LOL! You get the award for the MOST CREATIVE use of a floral stamp set. LOl!

Jackie Rockwell said...

Aimes you're a CLEVER, CLEVER girl!!! Such a FUN card!

Vickie Z said...

Honestly, I agree with everyone creative is this!! Wonderful card!

Sharon Roselli said...

love that you saw eggs and bacon. your yoke screams break me. clever card.

VanessaB said...

you really thought out of the box and i love it! how creative of you! and shows the versatility of a stamp set. awesome.

Debby said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE! Except that you are making this dieting girl hungry - I could just eat your card right up. Yum!

Mary-Anne V said...

Love your cute. We adore bacon here!

Lagene said...

Too funny! You totally made that flower look like a sunny side up egg!

Unknown said...

Amy, you are amazing! I just love how your mind works! lol!

sammi said...

Oh my gosh, this is fabulous! What a fun and unique card! Love Love Love it!

Lynn said...

What a crack up! Love what you did with this!!

Joyce McIntosh said...

Cute card, very creative.

Karen B. said...

Genius. You are a crafty genius.

Karenladd said...

So creative...this cracks me up!

Jenny said...

I would never have seen bacon and eggs I'm sure! And I'm drinking tea and eating a few squares of chocolate at this moment... Lol
Brilliant card from your genius mind Aimes :0)
Jenny x

maria f. said...

No that's what I call using your noodle. Oh pardon me, bacon.

Ruth S said...

Great card! Now that is definitely how to get more from your stamps ;)

JJ Bolton said...

You had me at bacon;) Love it!

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I am on various design teams and receive free product to use and promote. I geniunely love the products of the companies and all opinons are honest and my own.

I'm flattered if I've inspired you and you want to CASE anything of mine, but please don't enter it for commercial publications or competitions.
Thank You!
All designs, text, and photographs on Crafting Confessions are ©2009-2016 to Amy Gray unless stated otherwise.