Sunday 3 March 2013

Click, Cut, Create

Happy Birthday

Happy Sunday! I'm popping in today to share a card with you that is the result of why I've been a little MIA recently. You see, I have a new toy. Not just any toy. A toy that has added a new, fun element to my paper crafting.

The kind folks at Provo Craft sent me a new toy to play with: the Cricut Mini. Now I'd like to point out that the world of electronic cutters is all new to me and to be honest, the idea of electronic cutting scared this stamp & ink lovin' gal!  Still, I promised myself that I would play with it and see what I could rustle up. I shocked myself at how easy and fun it was! In fact, I'm addicted. :)

Today's card is a simple example of click, cut and create. The template was already on the software ready to play with - easy peasy! However, the range of other freebie shapes (including fonts!) means that my only limit to what I can create is my imagination. I've already whipped up a few more cards I've designed from welding shapes together - I'll share them later.

Speaking of later, I can also design my projects and save them for a later cutting session. Great for when I haven't got time to have a full crafting session, but have time to execute an idea I have.

tips and tricks
  • The card provided is much lighter than what I use for my card-bases. I would not use my heavy PTI cardstock in this machine!
  • I've used the Mini not just for my crafting, but for my job too: I've been able to cut out letters for our school displays in a matter of minutes! Gives me more time for crafting *wink*
  • You can buy individual digital cuts from the store for a bargain. Please be warned though, that if you're not a USA or Canadian peep, you can't buy from the US store and the choice is much more restricted for us UK peeps...I'm really hoping that changes in the future. It's my one and only negative point of the product. I might have to see if any USA/Canadian Peeps can help me out - I'm loving some of the images I can't buy directly!
The Cricut Mini has gently introduced this newbie to a wonderful world of electronic cutting and although I'll always love my stamps and ink, I'll definitely be creating with the help of technology in the future!

Before I dash I'd like to thank you for popping by today, and Provo Craft for providing me with a new tool to add to my crafting arsenal - thank you!


Products Used


itsallrosi said...

great card - have fun with your new toy!

Lynn said...

So very cool Aimes! Love your design!

~amy~ said... fun!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see more digi cutting projects!

Tenia Nelson said...

Very very cool!!

Taheerah said...

New toys always make for fun crafting sessions don't they? Looks like you're really having fun with yours Aimes - what a great first sample to show us!

Maureen said...

how fun is that, Duchess? Oh my! what a cool card. I must confess that my beautiful new Cricut is still in the box :( I really need to get it out this summer and learn how to use it. I've seen many teachers use it for their classrooms like you :) You are always an inspiration! ox

Chunyuan said...

love the fun design. a new toy always adds tons of fun...

maria f. said...

Oh dear. Another one bites the dust. Just teasing ;) Have a blast with your new toy. Methinks the electronic cutters take card creation to a whole new level.

Jennifer Rzasa said...

Super cool that you have a new cutter to play with! Love the graphic look of your card.

Deb said...

Aimes, so glad you are loving your new little tool. Electronic diecutting is pretty fun. You card is awesome and I can't wait to see the rest of your creations. Thanks for stopping by my blog. You've put a huge smile upon my face.

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I am on various design teams and receive free product to use and promote. I geniunely love the products of the companies and all opinons are honest and my own.

I'm flattered if I've inspired you and you want to CASE anything of mine, but please don't enter it for commercial publications or competitions.
Thank You!
All designs, text, and photographs on Crafting Confessions are ©2009-2016 to Amy Gray unless stated otherwise.