Saturday 12 April 2014

Um...I won!


Happy Saturday, happy weekend, happy Easter hols (if you're on 'em!)

It's a very happy day here as I've just been notified that I won the competition to find the UK's best arts and crafts blog!

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! The only way you can win this is through your votes so thank you to everyone who voted so much. I all owe you one - ha! :D

In other random news...
We've now reached the end of term and have the sweet (in more ways than one - hellooooooo Easter eggs!) Easter holidays. I'm hoping to get knuckled down to some serious crafty, inky business. :)

In the past week, we've been so busy trying to raise money for a very worthy charity that supports deafblind children and adults: SENSE. Our colleague is completing 30 challenges before she's 30 and we challenged her to dress up as an octopus all day at school (I'm talking secondary school here!)

Couldn't resist sharing a picture of the event (click it for a larger pic). She had a well deserved drink at the end to celebrate the end of term and the fact we raised over £100. :)

Sorry there's no new crafty project to share today - just random news. I'll be back soon with something crafty - promise! 

Thanks for visiting and have a great weekend!



Michelle said...

Congratulations on your award, Aimes! Very well deserved! I love your colleague! How awesome that she dressed up as an octopus for a full day in a secondary school, very cool!

Lynn said...

A big huge congrats Aimes on a very well deserved win! You are awesome!

Dana F. said...

Ha, well earned award! Congratulations, Aimes!! Still love the octopus costume :)

~amy~ said...

wahoooooooooo for the win and not're loaded with talent!

Looks like you all had fun:)

Deb said...

Congrats Aimes!!!!!

Natalie Winterstein said...

Congrats on the blog win! You deserve it. :)

sandie said...

Happy, happy dance for you Aimes, wonderful news and well deserved. And congrats on some fab fundraising, have a great hols xx

Maureen Merritt said...


aaga said...

Congrats, Aimes, you deserved it. :) Also huge congrats to your colleague. :))

Anonymous said...

Congratulations :)

Kara said...

congrats! yay!

Victoria H. said...

Congratulations and such exciting news and very well deserved!

Katie said...

HUGE congratulations on your honor. Very well-deserved. After seeing you on Iron Crafter, I am even more impressed with you.

Petti said...


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I am on various design teams and receive free product to use and promote. I geniunely love the products of the companies and all opinons are honest and my own.

I'm flattered if I've inspired you and you want to CASE anything of mine, but please don't enter it for commercial publications or competitions.
Thank You!
All designs, text, and photographs on Crafting Confessions are ©2009-2016 to Amy Gray unless stated otherwise.