Tuesday 15 June 2010

One Layer Niggles...


Man, I'm sooooooo sorry that it seems like I've totally abandoned the blog - I seriously have had the most busy week and weekend ever!

Work is still crazy with the exam season and our temporary classroom after the ceiling incident and family life is up there too with the craziness. My dad is due in to go for a major heart operation, he's been on the list for a few months and to be honest I'd been trying to forget about it. Well he got his due date last week so it's been back and forth to the hospital for tests etc....I was gutted that the original date of the day-long operation was going to be on my birthday and that dad needed to be taken into hospital to stay 3 days prior meaning he'd also miss fathers day. However, it seems there's been a change of dates so we can celebrate both fathers day and my birthday together before we take him in. Good job because I'm planning to host a little party here at our place to celebrate the events (yup, I know, can I add more things to my plate!?!) I have to admit that I seem more nervous and anxious about it all than Dad; he's not even bothered that he'll be missing the England match next Wednesday and is very positive about having his heart fixed. Lets hope we can hold on to that positive vibe, eh?!

So apart from this, I then spent last weekend in York! What a beautiful city to get into the spirit of World Cup Fever - it was crazy! I'm totally engrossed by it all! So my blogeroo has been totally abandoned and I'm really sorry - I hope you can understand!

So enough of my super busy antics, I'll share a card with you seeing as I think that's the main reason you visit here ;D
Now before you judge - lemme say that this is for our current challenge on the PTI blog which is to create a one layer card. These are so hard for me to do! I just keep feeling like I need to add more but I forced myself to stop on this one. I'm not entirely satisfied with it, might even try it again with a different colour but as I was way past the deadline already for getting this done, I felt guilty keeping the challenge from being posted so I hope this one will do! Play along if you can and show me how it's really done!

Card Recipe
Stamps: Turning a New Leaf/Daily Designs Sentiments
Ink: Versamark/Dark Chocolate
Card: Lemon Tart
Accessories: White Gel Pen/Corner Rounder/Dark Chocolate Twill

So I know life is busy, and believe me I've got a lot of blog reading to catch up on. But I promise you that I am reading your lovely posts even if I don't get the time to comment! I truly appreciate all the comments you leave here - you're a lovely lot y'know!

Catch ya later!


P.S Also had some super exciting news yesterday! I received an email from CARDS magazine and they want me to send them a card for publication in the November 2010 issue! As corny as it sounds, it's down you your lovely comments, advice and encouragement that helped me pluck up the courage to submit so THANK YOU!


Lucy Abrams said...

OOooooh. How exciting about CARDS. So pleased for you. :)
BEst wishes to your dad - hope everything goes well.
And as for work... it's just starting to ease off a little bit for me now. (BIG relief). Hope it'll be the same for you soon too.

Unknown said...

Fantastic Aimes! Well done on receiving the recognition you so deserve.

J x

Karen B. said...

Congratulations on your submission, certainly very well deserved. And I think your card is great, OLC are really hard to make but I think you pulled it off nicely with the composition you have. Good luck on the other things going on right now as well.

~amy~ said...

Woot woot on your pub news! Super card for today and I hope that thing slow down for you:)

Dana said...

COngrats on your impending publication Aimes! I haven't yet submitted anything but I may try eventually...
I think your card is LOVELY and was very surprised to see a OLC from you! lol!
My thoughts with your Dad, and happy early-Birthday to you, darling!

Carol's Ink Spot said...

Oh forgot to ask. What are Niggles? Any relationship to Giggles?

Carol's Ink Spot said...

Wow! You've been one busy lady! First: Love your card! CAS is very hard for me too. But I'm learning and I like how you repeated the image. Now for life: So glad you will be able to have a party with your dad. Sending BIG HUGS your way for you and your family and especially your dad. Lots of us will be thinking of you while your dad is having surgery. Just let us know how everything is afterwards. Finally: Congratulations on the future publication in CARDS! And Happy Birthday early just in case you are too busy to read a post on Monday! Take care!

Andrea M said...

CONGRATS!!!! So happy for you :)
THis one layer card is absolutely lovely! I think you do these simple layouts so beautifully (and they're super hard to do).
Best wishes for your Dad's upcoming surgery - my dad had open heart surgery a few years back now so I know exactly what you're going through. Thinking of you and sending positive thoughts to you and your family!

Lynn said...

Big congrats on getting published in CARDS...very, very exciting!

Saying extra prayers for your dad for a successful surgery...and happy early birthday to you!

Rhonda said...

That's exciting news from CARDS!!! Yea You!

I'll be thinking about your Dad. Keep us updated!

Maureen said...

yippee!!!! congrats on the publication :) I know how exciting it is...can't wait to see it :) Love this little CAS number...they are the hardest...what? no buttons? eek!!! Hope everything goes well with your dad...sending "heart"felt thoughts and prayers your way :) Have fun celebrating...have you opened it yet? LOL It's just a little birthday wish...don't think it's an Olympic hoodie that was sold out or anything like that!! LOL :D

Nerina said...

Oh yeah, I can see how we're all just going to do *SO* much better than this (rolls eyes hopelessly). Oh Aimes - it's lovely! I really love the way you've used circles to highlight these leaves - brilliant! Sorry your life is overwhelming right now - I will be praying for your dad's surgery, especially.

HUGE CONGRATULATIONS on being pubb'd - although I can't say it's a huge surprise :0) You Go Girl!

Julie said...

Aimes My Darling - I hope you enjoy your birthday/fathers days celebrations and I'm sending my get well wishes and love to your dad for after his operation.
Congrats on Cards Magazine - I've yet to pluck up the courage to submit [but i will]
Take Care Honey - Ju xxx

Anonymous said...

I dont know about you but I am lovin your card! its beautiful...and CONGRATS for being published girl...this is just the begenning!!

Katie Berberich Handmade said...

Great news about your publication Aimes! I know what you mean about the football, I also seem to be glued to it right now, I mean there are a couple of heart breakers that make it easier ;)
I'm sure everything will go well with your Dad, I don't envy you the worry. Life doesn't always deal us the fun stuff does it!
Will be thinking of you.
Katie x
P.S Enjoy your birthday xx

Terri said...

Nice job on the card. I have problems making cards without layers too. I will definitely be thinking positive thoughts for you dad. Glad you will be able to celebrate your birthday with him. Big Congrats on getting published too!!

Daniela F. said...

First of all: Woohoo, congrats on being published!! That must be super exciting!
So glad, I'm not the only one that lets blogland slide a bit for work, exams and soccer matches ;) As always, we are our own worst critic, right? Your card looks so lovely! I love especially the color combo and also how you were able to mask the leaves.
Best wishes for your dad's surgery! Hope you all enjoy the birthday and father's day celebrations together :)

Karin said...

Sending happy thoughts out to your father so that his surgery goes well. It's such a stressful time when a parent is not well. Ask me how I know ;) Congrats on getting published too. That is fabulous well deserved news and thanks for a fun challenge over on you PTI blog, I hope I get a chance to play!

Ingrid Danvers said...

Gorgeous card, Aimes. And congrats on the pub!!! Woohoo....very well deserved. Best wishes for your dad.

peggysue said...

Congrats on getting published! And York sound so romantic or something. Cute card!

Lori said...

Congrats Aimes!!! Well deserved!! I love this card, simply gorgeous!!!
Thinking about you and your Dad. (((((HUGS)))))

Paulina said...

This card is fabulous! I can't believe it's only one layer!

HUGE CONGRATS on you being published! I can't wait to see what card was chosen!

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