Tuesday 24 August 2010

Goin' Dotty...


Happy Tuesady! How's your week going? I've finally persuaded my guy to take this week off work just so I have some company during the looooooong days I have alone so I'll keep this short and sweet :D

Firstly, thanks so much for your well wishes for my dad! I can report with positive news that he's due home today - yay! Fingers crossed anyways...

OK onto the card! Well this card is for our new challenge on our PTI blog. We wanna see your creations featuring dots...and before you even suggest it, no, I didn't use Polka Dot Basics II or the dotty chair from On My Couch for this challenge!

Nope, I finally broke out my Beautiful Blooms DP! This card was for Chris' parents and because it was being hand delivered I could add dimension to my heart's content - cue the foam pads and ribbon! I know it's a pretty simple design - but that paper is so bold that I felt I couldn't add much more to it before getting a headache LOL!

So as always, I'm hoping you can play along too - get dotty and use just one PTI product on your creation to enter!! If you live within Europe you could be the lucky winner of PTI's Anniversary Set, Round and Round!

Catch ya later!

Card Deets
{Happy Anniversary}
Stamps: Daily Designs/Round & Round
Pure poppy Cardstock: Stamper's Select White/Kraft
Beautiful Blooms DP
Accessories: Fresh Snow Twill Ribbon/Martha Stewart Border Punch/Corner Rounder/White Gel Pen


~amy~ said...

such a sweet card...gotta love polka dots:)

Isha Gupta said...

Lovely card Aimes. Enjoy the week;)

Dana said...

This IS bold but so cute at the same time Amy. I really like the border punch and the white ribbon...they drew my eye right in. FUn!

Stephanie said...

This is gorgeous Aimes....makes me wish I hadn't sold my Daily Designs set lol x

Laurie said...

What a great card! I love the white and red! Beautiful!

Linda said...

Great card! I'd call it fun. Would love getting something like it for our anniversary. So thoughtful!

Carol's Ink Spot said...

Cute, cute, cute! Love the big polka dots! Great challenge for this week. Have a good one!

Maureen said...

OH, I love these bold polka dots :) Okay, but did you suggest polka dots for the challenge? LOL Love the border punch!!! Is that the one from my blog candy? If so, I'm so glad you are able to use it :) Have fun with Chris...I spent 7 hours unpacking yesterday and was a little "fried" after...the retired teacher left about 7 boxes of things I might like...ugh!!! So I had to deal with that mess along with my own!! Back today for a few more hours and then off to a 3 day teaching conference out of town with some colleagues...catch up with you on the weekend...stay out of trouble!!! LOL

Karen B. said...

Ooh, fun card! Love how the polkas can be seen, but not heard so much that they overpower the design. Great touch of ribbon too.

Vicki said...

Hey love the card, love the dots,love the simplicity too! Thank you soooo much for the birthday wishes, I had a lovely relaxed day and got some lovely pressies too ;)

Enjoy your week with your guy ;)

Vicki x

Andrea Ewen said...

Love it Aimes! Just enough embellishments to make a bold statement, but not overdone. Super card!

Katie Berberich Handmade said...

Cute card Aimes, what a unique image I've never seen it before and it goes so well with those dots.
I hope you were able to bring your Dad home today for some TLC. Wishing you and Chris some fun packed days together :)
Katie x

Geny said...

Lovely and perfect! Love the simplicity!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! totally love the layout of the card and the punch is so perfect! really love it Aimes!

Lynn said...

Aimes...I'm going to have to get that stamp set back out and case your card...love it..and I have the supplies for it!!! I'll certainly be playing along in the polka dot challenges...love, love, love polka dots...and thanks so much for the shout out on the PTI forum :)

Enjoy your time off with your guy!


Lynn said...

Aimes...I'm going to have to get that stamp set back out and case your card...love it..and I have the supplies for it!!! I'll certainly be playing along in the polka dot challenges...love, love, love polka dots...and thanks so much for the shout out on the PTI forum :)

Enjoy your time off with your guy!


Kathy Martin said...

Sweet heart card! :)

Sharron said...

LOVE the design, the border punch and the BOLD polka dots! Fun card!! Have a great week!

Terri said...

Nice job! I love that polka dot paper as well. I bought that pad just for it! Glad your dad is doing better too! I hope you enjoy the rest of the week with your guy home too.

Taheerah said...

Literally a perfect card Aimes! Colours, polka dots, border punch ... every detail is just right! I bet Chris' parents loved it!

IamDerby said...

This is beautiful! I love that scribbly heart.

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I am on various design teams and receive free product to use and promote. I geniunely love the products of the companies and all opinons are honest and my own.

I'm flattered if I've inspired you and you want to CASE anything of mine, but please don't enter it for commercial publications or competitions.
Thank You!
All designs, text, and photographs on Crafting Confessions are ©2009-2016 to Amy Gray unless stated otherwise.