Aww, man! Is it only Tuesday?! Feels like it should be Thursday!
Thanks for your well wishes and condolences regarding my corner punch. You'll be glad to hear that I'm nearly through the grieving process thanks to a li'l something that came through the post the other day...

This baby is my hero! Oh! I'm in rounded corner Heaven! I swear that everything around me now has a rounded corner *grin* So let us not forget corner punch #1, but relish in the awesome power of, Chompy (as he's affectionately called!) LOL!

I've found that because I have hardly any spare time on my hands now to get inky; that 3x3 cards are perfect for squeezing in a li'l inky time. I'm lucky to have some fantastic friends at work, who really helped me out this week. Obviously I owed them both a Thank You card and this one will go to Sarah who was sweet enough to make my Monday special by treating me to:

And if that wasn't sweet enough of her, she also treated me to something I've spotted and always wanted to try, but never had:

Before I leave for more sweetness, this card also qualifies for Papertrey Peeps Challenge #15 with it's autumnal colours. Autumn is definitely on the way now: it's been blowing a gale around here and the leaves are just on the point of turning! It'll be Christmas before we know it - eek!
Catch ya later!
Card Deets
{just a note}
Stamps: Papertrey Ink (Holiday Tree, Daily Designs Sentiments)
Card: Papertrey Ink (Kraft)
Ink: Memento (Tuxedo Black)
Accessories: Corner Chomper/Promarkers/Fineline Pen
i wonder if they have Lucky Charms in Ireland ? Bad joke right ?? I loved those growing up but they do not like my hips anymore!!! And oh the "Fluff" I am right there with you girl but I can so do a PB and F snack but that does not love my hips either!!! Now to "Jaws" I have had that on my list for sometime and I really have to get that thing ....... my tiny little blue rounder hurts my fingers when I use it so I do not use it that much ..... maybe I should say that I have to get the big one because if I hurt my fingers I cannot massage :) Super cute CAS card showcasing your new friend!!!
Wait a've NEVER had marshmallow fluff before? OMG. Whip it up with a bar of softened cream cheese for the BEST fruit dip on the planet. *drooling* (the "sourness" of the cream cheese tempers the overly sweet taste of the fluff.) My friend likes the raspberry flavored fluff too, but not me, too artificial.
I've never had lucky charms, not a fan of cereal with scary colors in it LOL!
Your CHompy is the best purchase you will make this year..seriously. Don't know how I lived without one...
Love your adorable little card and the fall colors!
I LOVE my "Chompy" too! Adorable card! tfs!
J'adore ma Chompy, je ne sais plus m'en passer, elle est super pratique
Une superbe acquisition!
Ta carte est une fois de plus une vraie merveille, t'es trop douée Aimes
Big bisous
Oh, I am sorry to hear about your old corner rounder - but I am happy for you that you are now proud owner of Chompy, too!!! He is THE BEST! Your card is gorgeous. Love your playful little rounded corner :) Ok, off to find some sweets, I read too much about yummy stuff! HUGS! Vanessa x
LOVE the fabby CAS card, this would be a great one to do a set of for teachers gifts! And marshmallow fluff, OMG, you can't even imagine how yummy this tastes with peanut butter!!! Eating a peanut butter and fluff sandwich is like taking your tongue on a trip to heaven!!! Just make sure you've got a nice, cold glass of milk to wash it down ;)
Love the CAS little tree card - right up my street. And then top left corner - perfection!
Super cute 3x3, Miss Aimes! Yay for Lucky Charms & marshmallow fluff! Now if I could only figure out a way to ship Magnums across the pond...
Cute card! So glad you've got a new corner rounder!
I had to laugh because my husband LOVES pb and fluff...I personally have never tried it and don't really intend to. I suppose I should though, at least once?!
Fantastic little card, Aimes. Your design is just perfect! Oh I'm so glad you got your corner chomp...isn't the little guy fabulous?! Yummy sweeties by the way - never had marshmallow fluff but I think I might just like it (surprise surprise!) xx
Boy I'm out of the loop I guess. I thought I had heard about all the latest tools but sure never heard of the Chomp ... Might have to check it out. also never heard of Fluff ... Sounds like it's the same as Marshmellow Cream that comes in a jar. I've used it to make fudge but never tried it with PB ... Might give it a try this Christmas.
Your cards are so cute. Sorry I was on a roll with the Chop & Fluff !!!
Hugs, Janie
Love the card! So glad you are enjoying using Chompy! I have had one for a few months and I don't know what I would do without it!
Aimes...need to come visit me!!! We have Lucky Charms at our house...every guys love to pick out the marshmallows!
And seriously...isn't chompy pure love?!! Love your card!!
Oh I'm so secretly jealous that you've gotten your chomper! I have to wait another month! Such a cute darling card. perhaps though you can be jealous of me somewhat, I just bought a humongous box of Lucky Charms, they are my boys favorites. And the marshmallow fluff? Ooh, try mixing it with a block of cream cheese and just a tad bit of orange peel for the yummiest fruit dip imaginable!
Love your card...and dontcha just love the chomper?! oy vey...okay, never had the fluff...I'm not much of a marshmallow fan...only in rice krispie treats...mmmm...
ah, the corner'll never go back to a punch!! I got mine last fall and LOVE it :) Congrats!!! Okay, now I understand the "fluff" FB comment...I don't know if we have it here in Canada...might not have passed the FDA here!!! LOL What? No lucky charms there? Curses!!!! We have tons in Canada (another reason to move...hehe!). I take them in for my class on my birthday and we graph the marshmallow charms :) But I like the little snack container in your picture :) AND I just noticed your flashing cards...what application is that? LOVE it...would like to try that on my blog :) HUGS!! It will be Thursday in 2 days...really only 1.5 days and only 1 more day for you :)
Super card Aimes! Love the little tree. Enjoy the Fluff and Lucky Charms. Too sweet for me but my kids always loved them.
Awww Aimes, what a lovely friend you have. The "Fluff" looks...well...fluffy! I can only imagine how sweet that stuff really is. With Peanut Butter? That's something for a rainy day!
Have a good week, hope it doesn't drag too much.
Katie xx
Loving Mr Chompy btw xx
Cute card! I have been wanting one of those Chompers! :)
We call it Marshmallow Cream and I mix cream cheese with it and eat it with strawberries! It's SO good! :)
So glad you got a new corner rounder! I sure love my CC too! And you card is super cute! Love the CAS look!
I love my Chompy too! What did I ever do before we met? Your lil' 3x3 card is too cute! Great use of the image for a non-holiday card!
I've never had marshmallow fluff either. Or is that the stuff they put in the Rice Krispies treats? I don't really eat that either. Tho' from reading the previous I seem to be missing out! Maybe you can use Nutella instead of peanut butter? Just thinking out loud. Let us know what you decide to do with it…
yay for chompy! :) love this simple card!
Glad you got your corner chomper and love it. Cute card too! Glad you were also able to try the fluff.Way to sweet for me too.
Lucky Charms! YUM!!! We have easy access to as much Lucky charms as we want here in the states- you let me know and I'll send you some! LOL
Your card is too cute. I too recently bought a Chompy. Awesome purchase. I love that thing!
Just lovin' that little chomped corner there Aimes :0) What a cutie CAS card - and so perfect for the Peeps 15th! Enjoy the sweeties! I don't know either of them, but have a passionately sweet tooth - I bet they're heavenly!
When I was visiting the USA I ate English muffins with peanut butter and marshmallow fluff, yummy. By the way, I am an Aussie.
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