Saturday 2 October 2010

Happy WCMD!


Hooray not only for the weekend but also for....

Happy World Card Making Day, Peeps! I love that there's a day dedicated to this fabulous hobby! I wish it meant that I could clear my whole day to celebrate it, but alas, those pesky household jobs need doing still....well maybe they could wait for today? *wink*

I wonder if it's a happy coincidence, but I had some happy mail today all the way from Germany from my sweet (and very talented!) friend, Vanessa! You can check out the super sweet gift she sent here - what great timing eh?! She knows me so well, treating me to some sweet chocolates and some fabulous green supplies for this wonderful hobby our ours. Thanks so much, Vanessa you're a real treasure, *mwah!*

Ok so I better share a card seeing as it's WCMD today! Today I'm sharing a card I've made the curent colour cue {8} challenge. I've always wanted to play along with these challenges and squeezed this card into my inky time late last weekend and although I'm not entirely satisfied with my attempt, I still enjoyed making it nevertheless:

Thank You

I know, the leaves need more contrast against the white panel, and I've kinda bodged the background stamping but it adds to the home-made look, right?! *wink*

Right, keeping it short and sweet today. I've got loads to do if I wanna squeeze in any inky time today! Wishing you all a very happy World Card Making Day and hoping you all squeeze in some inky time today too!

Catch ya later!

Card Deets
{Thank You}
Stamps: Turning a New Leaf, Background Basics: Text Style, Round and Round (Papertrey Ink)
Ink: Lemon Tart, Spring Moss, Scarlet Jewel (Papertrey Ink)
Cardstock: Scarlet Jewel, Stamper's Select White
Accessories: Prima Flower/Glittery Brad/Cuttlebug/Nestabilities


Karen B. said...

Here's to wishing you a happy day as well. Love the shaped card, marvel at how you can pull that off!

Agnieszka said...

Great take on this colour combo, Aimes! Happy WCMD! :)))

Anonymous said...

happy world cardmaking day, aimes!!

~amy~ said...

LOVE your shaped card my dear...happy wcmd...I think it is really world card making weekend...

Isha Gupta said...

Super cool card. Lovely gift you got from Vanessa....she is so talented.

Hanneke van der Linde said...

Happy WCMD to you too! You've made a lovely card!!


Katie Berberich Handmade said...

This is so cute Aimes, I love your shaped cards, they really stand out from the rest. Great bg stamp too :)
Happy WCMD!
Katie xx

Anonymous said...

The card is really cute!it has some of my fav stamp sets! love it!

Debby said...

Love the cut leaves with the labels 1 die - they really fit well together. And good interpretation of pretty tough colours!

Amy Kolling said...

This is gorgeous! I loved your tutorial on your other blog on how to do this shaped cards!!

Niki Estes said...

Happy WCMD, Aimes! Love your card! So pretty and CAS.

Lindsay said...

Love it Amy! Happy WCMD!

Sharron said...

Hope you had a happy day. No cards today for me so I'm glad to get to do a little blog hopping tonight. Love your card--the shape and cut leaves always look awesome!

Julie said...

Beautiful, Aimes! Love your shape card! The colors are beautiful!

Andrea M said...

No bodging - just utter fabulousness!!! Wonderful work as always Aimes :) Great take on those colors!

Nerina said...

This colour combo is calling my little name too Aimes! Love your take on it - those leaves look totally amazing :0) and the luverly bling centre in your blossom is just perfection!

Maureen said...

gorgeous shape and you are rockin' those leaves!!! I didn't get to stamp on the official day...was it Saturday? But the weekend getaway with the dh was much needed and fabulous :) Wish I could've been there stampin' with you :)

Laurie said...

I love the shape of this card, the text background and that super fun color combo! I love those challenges! Your card works perfect with that combo!!

Elise said...

YOU are so cute! THIS is one fantastic card and ... I ADORE Vanessa, too! {Hee Hee} Isn't it a small {BLOG} world!?! Wow! Your card is GORGEOUS! I'm just so tickled about your "happy mail" - what a great way to SHARE the love of friendship and our fine "sport!"... I love your use of the W9 color palette - EXCELLENT JOB! Thanks for sharing your talent with us, this round! Yipeeee!

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All designs, text, and photographs on Crafting Confessions are ©2009-2016 to Amy Gray unless stated otherwise.