Saturday 21 August 2010

So Sweet, but Quirky-Cutesy-Clean?!


And a happy Saturday to you today! Can't say we've got anything highly exciting planned this weekend but I kinda like the weekends when I can say that; means I get some time to chill and stamp *wink*!

So this last week my mind was totally focused on crafting but then when I sat down to craft I just didn't 'feel it'! The time I did feel it was at night and I spent a good few hours making some cards into the wee hours of the morning. This card was made for the current Embellish challenge; so happy I got to play along this time as I missed out on the last challenge:

Quirky-Cutesy-Clean style....well I can do the clean part; you probably know I don't really do cute on cards but if you saw any of my stationary for work or even my lunch-box you'd know that I ♥ cute! I get my supplies from Paperchase - oh I adore that shop and don't even get me started on the fabulous gift packaging they do LOL! And as for the quirky part, well I've been called that and more so I figured I'd give this challenge a go....

Now I dunno if my buddy, Emma is psychic, spies on me at work or just knows me so darn well, but she was sooooo sweet as to buy me this My Cute Stamps set for my birthday. I've wanted this set for ages and literally gasped and squealed as I jumped around the room when I opened it LOL! I've stamped loads of these cuties when I've been sitting at my desk just colouring them for fun so this card came together pretty quickly and that lolly was beggin' me for a good dollop of Glossy Accents for super icy shine-a-bility! :D

Couldn't you just slurp up that ice lolly?! Would I share it?! Depends who with LOL!

OK so I dunno if this qualifies for a card in a Quriky-Cutesy-Clean style but I'm happy anyways!

FYI: just some other notes for ya before I leave ya:
  • Finally, if you've got any positive vibes send 'em this way please! My dad is back in hospital (again!) and although both he and I remain in good, positive spirits we'd much rather him recover to a stage where he can come home! Means I'm kinda busy at the moment so apologies if I seem a bit absent here in Blogland; good job I've got some projects prepared that I can schedule so I won't leave you with nothing to look at!
Catch ya later!

Card Deets {So Sweet}
Stamps: My Cute Stamps - sweet kawaii/Hero Arts - sentiment
Versamark/PTI -melon berry
PTI - vintage cream, kraft, aqua mist
Promarkers/PTI - aqua mist ribbon, melon berry button, ribbon twine/Fiskars - apron lace border punch/Corner Rounder
/Glossy Accents


Laurie said...

Oh this is so sweet! I love the glossy accents on the popcicle! So fun!

Julie said...

hiya aimes,
I love this card - the ickle popcicle is the cutest, sorry to here the news about your dad, I do hope things improve soon honey.
Take Care - Ju xxx

Laurel said...

Oh this is so cute!!!

Sharron said...

Wow, Aimes--this is just PERFECT for the challenge! CUTE glossy orange popsicle! Hugs to you and your family--hope your dad is home again soon.

Maureen said...

popsicles and martinis all round!!! Now THAT's how to enjoy the summer :) LOVE the repeated stamping in versamark so that orange "ice lolly?" (love that!!) pops out!!! We should eat it before it melts :)

keep an extra spot for me at the back in case I can make it!!! What a fun time you'll have :( Dang that ocean and 7 provinces!!!

prayers and thoughts to you and your dad...I hate hospitals...the only good time there was having Jake :) and even then I couldn't shower's hoping he can return home soon :)

have a great weekend :)

Amy Kolling said...

This card is a winner in my book! You did a great job with this Embellish challenge and I love the addition of the glossy accents!! I think I may have to go check out those stamps now!

AuroraDawn said...

Gorgeous card, love that little lolly

Hope your dad gets well soon xxx

Lynn said...

Thinking of your dad and sending lots and lots of prayers his way...make sure you're getting some rest too!

Absolutely your card is quirky!!! Love the glossy accents!

PS Not trying to stress you out with the Christmas cards... LOL!!!

Kathy Martin said...


Andrea Ewen said...

Sweet is right! I love that little popsicle dude! Great contrasting color to the rest of your gorgeous card! And darling bow as well...great job!

Jennifer K said...

That popsicle is just the cutest - he makes me laugh.

Terri said...

Super cute. Love that image. Sorry to hear you dad is back in the hospital again. I will definitely send some positive vibes your way for him. Hope he gets to come home soon.

nasuha ahmad helmi said...

oh yes,this card looks so sweet!love it!

Hanneke van der Linde said...

Lovely card and wonderful colors!


Hanneke van der Linde said...

Lovely card and wonderful colors!


Agnieszka said...

This is so cute Aimes!
I can’t wait to meet you in Sheffield! :)
Sending lots of positive thoughts your way!

Karen B. said...

Here's to hoping your dad is just a bit better (or more than just a bit) today! Fantastic card, love the pop of peach/orange in there, an those stamps are just way too cute!

Katie Berberich Handmade said...

What an awesome friend you have, I love that double lolly imege, how adorable???
You are so rocking the "cute look" with this card too! Bring on the stationary pics I say ;)
I hope you all have a fabby PTI day, if I wasn't so far away and it wasn't on my sons birthday ....?!
You've probably had loads of best wishes by now for your Dad but one more can't hurt! Wishing and hoping all will be well soon. Try to stay strong Aimes.
Big hugs,
Katie xx

Ann said...

SO cute! I love it!

Carly said...

Simply adorable!! How cute is that card! And sending my thoughts and good wishes that your dad will be well soon. ((hugs)) Carly

claudia shadler said...

adorable card! cute!


B said...

So cute! Love the one orange popsicle pair just popping from the card! And my thoughts to your dad and your family!

Ann said...

Definitely quirky cutesy and clean! Sweet card and I love that stamp. All good wishes for your Dad Aimes - hope he's on the mend soon.

Anonymous said...

Adorable card, I am pretty sure it qualifies..and I am sad to know about your dad Aimes...I am sending you positive vibes and lots of good wishes...hang in there!

Nicki said...

pretty colours and i love the card, so cute and funky!
love it!

Iwona Palamountain (Chupa) said...

Cute? Yes. Quirky? Yes! Girl, you're one fabulous stamper!

Unknown said...

So cute card! :)

Cindy Lee said...

Ohh...this card is so cute! I love how you pop up the little popsicle and colored it differently! GREAT CARD!

I hope your dad will be home soon! Sending hugs to you and your family!

peggysue said...

So much to say for one post, yes, I'd dance around the room with a gift like that too, aren't we stampers funny? I wish your dad a quick return to good health, but you've been an attentive daughter and I'm sure he appreciates that. And I would literally fly to another continent to go to a PTI make and take so I cannot imagine it being anything other than a rousing success!

Jen Cuthbertson said...

This card is adorable and definitely qualifies as cute! Love it!!

Emma said...

Oh sweetie I am sending the biggest hugs for you (have only just been back on-line and saw your posts).

I think we are kindred spirit as spookily I too LOVE paperchase and all things papery. As I expected you totally own and rock this set (you have made me so happy thinking of your joy of opening your prezzie - really the pleasure was all mine) :D

Traveling Mama said...

Totally and completely adorable! Love the one colored popsicle! Too cute!! Thanks for playing along with us at Embellish! Hugs from Denmark!

Charlene Austin said...

Do you ever just see a card and want to hug it? Yep, I want to hug this is SOOOO adorable!

Thanks for playin'!

IamDerby said...

The colors on this are perfect!

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I am on various design teams and receive free product to use and promote. I geniunely love the products of the companies and all opinons are honest and my own.

I'm flattered if I've inspired you and you want to CASE anything of mine, but please don't enter it for commercial publications or competitions.
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All designs, text, and photographs on Crafting Confessions are ©2009-2016 to Amy Gray unless stated otherwise.