Saturday 31 July 2010

Fun and not me, the card!


Hope you're enjoying your weekend so's soggy at our end but we've got a nice date night planned including popping out for some Mexican food and a trip to the cinema. Just gotta love lil' nights out like that ;D

Thank you so much for your really positive comments about my video tutorial - y'all so sweet! I'll definitely think about doing some more - lemme know if there's anything else you wanna see...within reason of course LOL!

Today I'm squeezing a card in before a deadline (as usual!) if you haven't already checked out Moxie Fab World, the other week they challenged us crafty peeps to try different styles of cardmaking with their Card Style Week . Now I went easy at first with the Clean and Graphic style, and there's just no way I'm even attempting the Shabby and Vintage, but I found I could challenge myself a little and go with Fun and Cute:

Card Recipe
Stamps: Hero Arts/PTI(sentiment)
Ink: Memento Black/Distress Ink Antique Linen
Card: PTI Vintage Cream/Kraft
Paper: Original Japanese Washi Paper
Accessories: Promarkers/PTI Cream Twine
/Glossy Accents

This card totally came together from the Moxie Tuesday Trigger for this week. Finally! I get to play along with a Tuesday Trigger!

Those lanterns reminded me of an old Hero Arts set I had which needed some inky lovin'. To make up for my neglect, I dressed up my Japanese Doll with original Washi Japanese Papers - I like to think she's got style! Oh and I complete covered her hair in Glossy Accents "Because she's worth it!" LOL!

Loadsa dimension going off on this card btw but the thing I like best is the twine used to hang my lanterns from!

So y'see I am spending my time wishing I was at CHA creatively still...what shall I make next? LOL!

Catch ya later!


Carol's Ink Spot said...

So Cute!!! Love the little girl all dressed up. Your lanterns are perfect hanging from the twine. And I laughed when I read the title for your post! You're cute too!

Alex said...

Loving this card Aimes, I remember this cute little stamp :) Great use of the lanterns and twine, loving all your little details of her glossy hair and Japanese print outfit too.

Enjoy date night tonight, what film you going to see?

Take care, bye for now,

Alex x

Maureen said...

Love how everything pops on those dimensionals :) Totally fun and cute...just like the artist :) Let's drown our sorrows together about not being at CHA...are your friends who are there buying you a bunch of stuff? Ah, the boat blow up...very fun!!! The best part was coming across all the festivities by accident :) Have a fun date night!!! Which movie? We tried to see Salt last night but it was sold out so we rented Crazy Heart. Have you seen Inception? Great, but weird!! Hugs!!

~amy~ said...

Oh come're fun & cute!!!

I absolutely a ton....what you've done!!!! I smell a winner:)

Karen B. said...

Rather cute card, I do believe! Great use of twine and I hope you have fun tonight.

Vicki said...

Oh she's so cute and not sure about fun but she's certainly got a cheeky smile ;)

Vicki x

Kathy Martin said...

Cute! Love the combo of the doll and lanterns! :)

Karen said...

Love how fun & cute this is! Those lanterns made me smile...really like them cut out & floating on the twine. :> Hope you had a great date night out!

Sharron said...

Definitely CUTE! Your little girl is adorable in her bright outfit--and love the hair! Perfect card for the challenge!

Sue said...

beautiful take on the colours, love the stamps you chose! :)

peggysue said...

That is one cute little stamp and I love what you did with the twine and the lanterns. Hope you had a nice evening with your Mexican dinner!

Andrea M said...

Fabby card Aimes! Love your take on the Tues Trigger - beautiful colors. Love the stunning kimono - wow!

Courtney Baker said...

Oh I would have LOVED to meet you at CHA! Your card is super fun!

Vanessa said...

This card is such a perfect take on the Tuesday Trigger and so so cute! Love how you dressed her up, you've got style! Perfectly fun and cute!
Vanessa x

Anonymous said...

Great take for the challenge! clean and simple ..pretty!

Joy said...

Hi Amy, I just stumbled across your blog after I commented on your card at the HA Flickr group, WOW! you make amazing cards, love your sweet blog, looking forward to viewing it more in the future.

Dana said...

Love, love, LOVE this card Aimes! Simply adorable and I wish I could hold it in my hand!

Ayana Posadas said...

OH, this card goes PERFECT with the Trigger image! So adorable! :)

Paper Crafts & Scrapbooking Editor said...

Hey Amy! What a fun approach to this week's Tuesday Trigger in the Moxie Fab World! Thanks so much for playing along! :)

Tifany said...

Very cute! Great card!

Terri said...

Very cute. Love your lanterns too!

Angela said...

Beautiful card! Love all the colors you chose; they work great with the design.

Pauline said...

Gorgeous, what a cutie! Love the twine bows at the ends, really sweet!

B said...

This is sooo cute! Love the bows at the end!

Cindy Lee said...

WOW!! This card is so ADORABLE Aimes!!

Monika Reeck said...

Woow dear I see your name on the Moxie Fab Winner and I love this stamp sooo much....congrats on being winner and your card is totally absolutely adorable..I have this sets too but was not seen the last tuesday trigger :) love your card!!hugs, Monika

Lucy Abrams said...

Yay - congrats on your win Aimes. Such a cute card.
Are you as happy and relaxed as me???

Bethany said...

So cute!!! love your interpretation of the trigger, that stamp set is perfect. Great job!

Paper Crafts & Scrapbooking Editor said...

Hey Amy! Thanks also for entering the Let's Do Fun & Cute Card Style Week challenge in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)

Cindy Holshouser said...

Congratulations Aimes! What a darling card:)

Melody said...

Super adorable! I just love that little girl you used on it!

Nerina said...

What a cutie card! I love the way you've created this on the kraft and used the piercing along the edges! Congratulations on being chosen as a Trigger :0) Wooot!

IamDerby said...

Fun and cute sums it up perfectly. adorable.

Heather P. said...

Oh my word! I love this! Like love, LOVE this! :)

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I am on various design teams and receive free product to use and promote. I geniunely love the products of the companies and all opinons are honest and my own.

I'm flattered if I've inspired you and you want to CASE anything of mine, but please don't enter it for commercial publications or competitions.
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All designs, text, and photographs on Crafting Confessions are ©2009-2016 to Amy Gray unless stated otherwise.