Monday 12 July 2010

One for my Honey...


Life is ever busy with Dad been taken back into hospital today - *sigh* Fortunately it was a good job we took him down for a thorough check as he was feeling very breathless (more than he should be) because he had lots of fluid on his heart on lungs. Good news is that he's being drained (eurgh! that sounds gross but it's the technical term I promise!) as we speak, is in good spirits and will be home towards the end of this week - phew! Still, means I'm gonna be busier than I thought this week but so long as he's OK I'm a happy gal! I'm just so glad the Doctor took the extra precaution of suggesting we get him checked out!

So before life got kinda busy again, we spent this past weekend celebrating Chris' birthday! He spent Friday out on the town with his friends, trying to prove that he's still not too old to know how to party by returning at some ridiculous hour of the morning (luckily to his parent's house and not disturbing my own beauty sleep LOL!) but it then took nearly the whole weekend to recover from it! Maybe not too old to party, but definitely too old to be out so late - tee hee!

Anyways as you can imagine, I obviously had to make a card for my honey's birthday and it had to feature his fave colour (which just so happens to be mine too!)

Card Recipe
Stamps: Star Prints/Background Basics: Text Style/Fancy Flourishes/Daily Design Sentiments/Vintage Labels
Ink: Dark Chocolate/Versamark
Card: Vintage Cream/Kraft/New Leaf
Accessories: New Leaf Twill Ribbon/Clear EP

So many stamp sets used on a such a CAS card! I know it's very CAS but believe me when I say this is totally Chris! If he were a cardmaker (and there's time yet to convert him...) he would be a fan of CAS cards. My assumption comes from his motto, "Mess is Stress!"

I just wish I could abide by the motto as well as he does *sigh*!

Catch ya later!
Oh and just by pure coincidence, this card fits in for our new challenge on our PTI blog in which we wanna projects that feature the use of dies! Feel free to join in, in fact I'd love it if you did!

Ooh and I've just discovered this CAS Challenge site so have entered this lil' card over there for this week's challenge which is to use Kraft on a CAS card!


Maureen said...

yay! A card!!! A fabulous card at that :) That green really pops!!! I'm totally into dies lately...I hate cutting so dies fit the bill everytime :)

So glad you took your dad can never be too sure and better safe than this case especially :) I bet you're all sick of hospitals now. When mom was living at the hospital before getting into her home, the only thing I loved about them were the lattes and cookies (at the coffee shop in the lobby.) hugs from BC :)

Anonymous said...

I guess this is how its gonna be with your father for a while, I mean after such a majore surgeries you will face some ups and downs in the path of recovery! The card is really CAS...he likes it this way, then he likes it this way...thats wat matters..:)

Karen B. said...

Sad to hear that your father is back in the hospital but it sounds like things are a ok. Great CAS card, I really like your ribbon/sentiment treatment.

Melissa said...

I'll be thinking of your dad and family, and hoping that he will return home soon!

Your card is lovely and sweet, love that beautiful green!!

~amy~ said...

sorry that you're dad is back in the hospital but sounds like all is good...

love, love, love your card!!!

Andrea M said...

Thinking of you and your Dad Aimes. Hoping for a speedy recovery. Great card as always!!! Love the beautiful green. Take care!!!!

Sharron said...

Good to hear that you got things with your dad checked out. It is so much better to get things taken care of even if it means another hospital visit. Hope all goes well from now on. Love your CAS card--and aren't dies wonderful!

Isha Gupta said...

Your father is in good care and path to recovery is always full of ups and downs. I hope he feels better soon.
Love your CAS card. Green on Kraft sure pops out.

Katie Berberich Handmade said...

Oh I love this Aimes, I love your Caz style cards they are really inspiring and I bet Chris loved it. Sorry to hear about your Dad going back into hospital, I hope things will get better soon :)
Katie xx

Vicki said...

Hey so glad things are getting a little bit back to normal for you, hope your dad's ok. Loving your card the colour is so vibrant, it's fab!

Take care

Vicki x

Terri said...

I am sorry to hear your dad is back in the hospital. Glad they caught the problem early though. Hope he won't be there to long. Great card. I am going to need one for my hubby soon too. His bday is on the 24th. He is like your guy he thinks less is more too.

peggysue said...

Sorry to hear your dad is back in hospital. That's a stressful time. But glad you got your beauty sleep! Men can be funny creatures . . .cute card!

IamDerby said...

this is adorable! Love the green ribbon and green star... awesome. So sorry to hear your dad is back in the hospital. I hope he continues to make a good recovery and can get home soon.

Anonymous said...

Oh this is wonderful, Aimes! Such a brilliant CAS design. I'm so pleased you joined in the CAS-tastic challenge; it's my first time of entering too, I just discovered it by chance! Love Chris's motto btw!

I'm so sorry your Dad has had a blip in his recovery, but glad he's improving - long may it continue. Love Sally x

Emma said...

Awh sweetheart - I am hoping that by now your Dad is back home being fussed over by his best girls :D

Totally awe inspiring techniques as always - that ribbon thread is genius. I am sure hubby loved it :D

Any PTI love being shared this month ;D ?

Michelle said...

This is so pretty, love the way you have added the ribbon, such a great design:-) loving your blog.. really excited to add it to my reading list!

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I am on various design teams and receive free product to use and promote. I geniunely love the products of the companies and all opinons are honest and my own.

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All designs, text, and photographs on Crafting Confessions are ©2009-2016 to Amy Gray unless stated otherwise.