Phew what a day! I'm getting drenched here in the not-so-sunny Sheffield today, seems whenever I'm out and about running an errand the heavens burst and now I'm sat at the PC it's bloomin' sunny outside - typcial eh?!
Anyways enough whinging, let's get on to a card shall we?
So if you've been watching the news you'll know that it's been results time for GCSEs and A-Levels. Chris' brother, Matt was one of those nervous students wondering if he'd got the grades he needed to go to Uni - oh I remember that anxiety/excitement like it was yesterday!
Anyways Matt did really well and we're really happy that he's got into his first choice of Uni so it's just a matter of packing up and going! I wouldn't be babbling about this if it didn't require a card right? So in order to celebrate Matt's achievement I made yet another masculine card (though I wanted to have some fun with bold colours to celebrate!)

Matt liked his card anyways and I hope you like it too!

Right then, I'm off to the cinema tonight with Chris - I've no idea what we're gonna see (it's his choice!) but I've just had my hair cut and finished so I'm feeling fab and ready for a nice night out! I hope y'all have a FABULOUS bank holiday weekend! It's gonna be a birthday, a soggy BBQ, a lucky flutter on the Dogs and maybe the Casino for me - I'll explain later....!
Catch ya later!
Fab fun card Aimes, the bright colours are just right for a teenager and I love the paper piercing! I've also been eyeing up that ruler too - race ya! lol. Have a fab long weekend - I'm getting my hair done tomorrow!
Perfect card for the occasion! I love the bright colors! Enjoy your night out!
I love these colors together. Neat card.
Oh, how sweet is that! Congrats to your son. College was some of the best years of my life. I'm sure he'll have a blast and make you proud.
I wish you lived a bit closer so some of your creativity could rub off on me. Girl, you are one talented lady!
Thanks so much for sharing.
You've conquered a male card and a teenage card in one swoop - just fabulous! Loving those colours together, they work fabulously and I you can totally get away with the flourishes - they make the card! Sounds like you've got a fab weekend planned - have fun and speak soon! hugs K xxx
'In my day' says the old granny if the man picked the film it would have been a Sylvester Stallone or Vin Diesal but you youngsters today I dont' know what you're gonna end up watchin lol!
Have fun as I am sure you will and have some for me. Again your talent and personality shine through on your projects - amazing work.
Emma xx
Lovely card Aimes, appropriate for a male teenager :) Colours and layout are fab.
Enjoy your Bank Holiday Weekend.
Alex x
What is this ruler gadget thingy? Do I need one?? Where do I get it? lol
This is a fab card Aimes and the bold colours work great with the stamps. Sounds like a busy weekend ahead for you - have fun!
Caryn xxx
Love it!
Sounds like you've got a lot on this weekend - enjoy sweetie
Let us know what film you end up seeing (I use to love cinema - dont get much chance these days *moan moan winge winge*)
Luv ya
Steph xxx
The colors on this card are really appealing, very vibrant. Great job!
What a FAB card! Wish we had a long weekend here...we've got one next week, though. :D Have fun this weekend, and good luck if you decided to place some bets!
Aimes this is FABULOUS! I LOVE everything about it.. the colors, the sketch.. perfect for a teenager! (or anyone!)
Hope you have a WONDERFUL weekend.. sounds like you have LOTS of fun things planned! :)
Cool card Aimes, perfect for Chris's brothers achievements (well done him!). Well i am intrigued by your forthcoming weekend, and I am sure you will be back to tell all in your usuall hilarious manner so can't wait!! Have a great one, love Jane xxx
Love your card! I think it's perfect for a teenager!
Love your card and congratulations to Chris!
Hugs, Tina
fabulous card, I luv the added flourishes!
enjoy *~*
I'm so glad I found your blog! I love your style and am a PTI fan as well! Thanks for visiting my blog...I've listed you as a recipient for some blog awards. I see you already have one of them, but please take the Kreativ Blogger one. Enjoy!
A big congratulations to Matt! Loving this card and the cheery colours, the flourishes look fab too. Hope you had a brilliant night out and a fab weekend.
Karen x
Just me again popping back to say I have a little award for you over on my blog:0)
Caryn xxx
Lovely card!!! Your weather seems interesting. It'll take us some time to get use to it when we move there next year. We're excited though for the opportunity to live overseas and traveling Europe some :)
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