Sunday 25 October 2009

My First of the Season...


Today I present the first of what's bound to be many....yup, I made my first Christmas card of the season! I know it's late compared to many of the organised papercrafters that I admire but believe me, this is an early start for me!

The thing that made me get off my bum and get started with a Christmas card is the PTI Blog Hop! This month's a Holiday Blog Hop where you can share what you're thinking of creating for the Christmas season. I can take part this month as I'm a little more organised and have a week off work! So with the extra hour that us in the UK blagged today, I spent mine crafting!So if you're here from the blog hop - welcome and a HUGE thanks to Melissa for putting my blog entry onto the Blog Hop Forum! I just couldn't stay up late enough to enter it as I gotta get up early tomorrow to take my car to the garage *grrr!* but that's another story! I'll stop babbling now and get on with the card shall I?
Well if you're thinking that's it to this card then you'll be surprised...this isn't an ordinary card...just pull up those scrummy candy canes and satsumas (no stocking is complete without a satsuma or two, right?)
Ta Dah!

OK I pinched this idea from my Couch Surprise Card and turned it into a Stocking Surprise Card. I just loved the way the sentiment kinda corresponded with the idea! The fireplace was hand-drawn, believe me, if I'd had a stamp for it I'd have used it LOL! Fireplaces are not my speciality when it comes to drawing but I'm hoping the added sparkle on the flames will avert your eyes!

Card Recipe
Stamps: Stocking Prints
Ink: Pure Poppy/Ripe Avocado/Distress Inks Antique Linen & Vintage Photo
Card: Pure Poppy/Ripe Avocado/Kraft/Vintage Cream/Vellum from Stash
Accessories: Promarkers/Stickles Glitter in Red and Crystal/3D Foam Pads/£10 note LOL!

This card will be for my little bro, we always tend to exchange money for Christmas. I know it sounds kinda sad, but we both have 7 nieces and nephews to buy for so by the time it gets to finding a gift for each other we're kinda pooped! We appreciate the pennies as it gets spent on something super special we can choose (probably a round of drinks in his case!)

Well I hope you like it! I'm off to hop around some more blogs and I recommend you do the same - I'm just in awe of the awesome talent I hop on and I'm definitely finding lots of inspiration for future holiday projects...

Thanks so much for stopping by - I always truly appreciate it!

Catch ya later!


Alex said...

Well done Aimes on your first Christmas of many more to come no doubt! Great card and love the detail to reveal the money :)

Have a great half term break.

Alex x

Heidi said...

Oh Amies this is a gorgeous card! That fireplace is spectacular!! Your brother is going to love it!

Maureen said...

Oh, I love this!! How unique! It looks so cozy! I don't see any buttons!! you must've been talking about another card. It does take me a long time to sort through and pick the perfect buttons too. The wreath had to have medium sized buttons so it was a little easier having the size requirement. Sometimes I sort while I'm on the phone too ;)

Lisa H. said...

sooo cool and oh, so cute! this is darling!

Taheerah said...

Oooh,the surprise card strikes again, lol! Great card Aimes, love the little goodies you have to pull out to find the money! Your stocking's hanging a bit near to the flame though, hope it doesn't catch fire!!

Kat said...

Love the idea!!! What a fun card!!

Jen said...

wonderful idea with the secret stash! Too cute!

Kelly S. said...

So detailed love it! And the money that pops out, whoopee!

farmhouse-story said...

wonderful! love the surprise and that fireplace!

Maureen V said...

absolutely adorable. the scene detail is incredible!

Deanna said...

Cute cute cute!

Diane Jaquay said...

This is SO beautiful! Your fireplace looks amazing!!

Becca said...

Your hand-drawn fireplace is fantastic! I love the stocking hanging looks so toasty! I hope your brother likes it as much as we all do!

Marge said...

WOW -- fabulous holiday scene you've created here! Anyone would be beyond thrilled to receive this!!!

Tenia Nelson said...

Love this card!!! Super,duper radness!!!! tfs!!

Lori said...

Fabulous drawing of the fireplace, I don't even dare try!! Love your card!!

Karli said...

very cool & original idea. Love it!
TFS :)

Cammie said...

I thought of your couch card when I saw the stockings. It's such a clever idea, and you do it so well. Great fireplace btw.

AKiteFlier said...

Amy this is adorable - totally! HOW FUN to have this exchange.

Michelle said...

We do cookie exchange parties but I love this idea...a lot healthier *wink* Love the dimension with your fireplace; a fabulous card!

Jessica said...

Super clever card!!! That fire place is way to cute :)

Anonymous said...

Now that's my kind of stocking!! LOL Love it!

Catherine Couch Doucette said...

Oh, you clever girl!! That is such a great idea!

Linda said...

Super cute. Like it just as much as your couch. I wouldn't mind getting either!

Bonnie said...

Perfect! I love it and what a wonderful little hidden stash!

Tiffany Heilman said...

Very cute. I love the fun surprise inside.

Lizzie Jones said...

I love the pop up action on this card and your hearth is amazing! Thanks for sharing!

Sue P. said...

What a great card. I love the fireplace and the surprise in the stocking!

Sharon D said...

So cute!! And your fireplace looks GREAT!

Serendipity said...

SWEET!!! I love it!

Jennifer Holmes said...

This is a great idea and very well executed. Love the fireplace and cozy fire you added to go with that great stocking!

Babies-Beth said...

Another greaqt hidden object card, Aimes! It's beautiful!!

Kim said...

This is fabulous! I really have to try this or one of your couch cards!

BethieJ said...

Aimes this is DARLING!!!!! I LOVE it.. what a GREAT idea!!!!

Dru said...

This is soooo cute!!

Natasha said...

Wow! All the detail on here is fabulous!

Melissa said...

Your first card of the year is a smashing success! I LOVE the fireplace and can't believe that it's hand-drawn!! Your stocking is lovely and I'm sure you brother will love this card. HUGS!!

Kim Faucher said...

Love this.. such a cute idea!!

Amy G. said...

Oh, this is super cute! I love that a surprise is tucked into the stocking. Brilliant! (Great hand-drawn fireplace, too, by the way.)

IamDerby said...

That fireplace is superb! I love the stocking gift as well. It always trips me out to see the pound note! Its like I think the whole world deals in dollars.

peggysue said...

Very sweet. Great fireplace! And hope you're having sweet dreams of a stocking filled with PTI goodies.

A Little Licht on the Subject... said...

Wonderful artwork drawing the fireplace. And I love the idea of the stocking revealing money!

Lori said...

Fabulous! What a great way to present a cash gift!

Julie-Ann Wells (Jewels) said...

THAT is so CUTE!!!

Mona Pendleton said...

Very cute fireplace card with the stocking hung ever so carefully! :) TFS

Liz said...

I love it! What a cute idea to use the stocking :) Congrats on getting your first Christmas card done!

Elizabeth S. said...

This is super! I love that fireplace!!

Terri said...

Great idea! I think your fireplace came out fabulous too!

Katie in UT said...

Such a clever idea! I love the fireplace background...very nice!

Jennifer L. said...

Cute idea for the stocking surprise! The fireplace and fire look great.

Savitri said...

Amy, just too too too stinkin' cute!!!! Wow, you got a lot of work to do if you just started :)

Amy Liz Schultz said...

Great job on that fireplace, esp since you hand drew it! Lovely card!

Daniela F. said...

Good morning, Aimes :-) Your pull out cards are simply the best! Love your little handdrawn fireplace. Dana xx

Courtney Baker said...

How cute is that? I love that idea! Great job girl!

AuroraDawn said...

Fantastic card Aimes, I love your fireplace, your surprise card will be a hit with your brother I guarantee it :O)

Alison said...

Aimes, this is just fantabulous, AGAIN!!!
I think I'll do this for my kids cash treat at xmas, they'll love it!
Alison -x-

Banu said...

Beautiful card. Loved it.

Chris said...

Another great card Aimes - I always loved the Couch card but this is even better - very toasty!

Susan said...

OH MY WORD!!! This is fantastic!! You are brilliant!! I love it!!

Kate Lewis said...

What an amazing idea, I LOVE it!!! Your fireplace is fabulous too! Have a great week hun and keep those crimbo cards coming!! Hugs xxxxxx

debbi taylor said...

can't tell you how lovely i think this is x

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All designs, text, and photographs on Crafting Confessions are ©2009-2016 to Amy Gray unless stated otherwise.