Well today (what's left of it!) is my Blog Anniversary! A year ago today I posted my first post...ahh it seems so long ago!
In order to celebrate I've got some calorie-free blog candy on offer for y'all:

1xBasic Grey Lime Rickey 6x6 pad
1x Basic Grey Lime Rickey Brads
1x Hero Arts Wood-mounted Stamp - CardArt Write-in
3 x Papermania Gum Bound Border Packs 2" x 12" (Olivine Essence, Raspberry Champagne and Venetian Skies containing 50 sheets each)
1 x Cuttlebug Embossing Folder - Traffic Jam
2 x Packs of Die-cut Sentiments
1 x Basic Grey Alpha Series Stamps - Design 2 (Easter)
1 x Imaginisce Snag'em Stamps - Tree
1 x American Crafts Patterned Chipboard Pack -Clubhouse
1 x American Crafts Mini-mark Book of Rub-On Transfers (Kids Book Two)
In order to qualify for a chance to win these goodies, I want you to share with me your first creation. I was looking back (almost cringing) at my first creations and found it to be quite an eye-opener! It's amazing to see the creative journey you've taken. If you haven't got a blog don't worry - you can use your online gallery instead and if you're new to bloggin' then welcome and please still share with us all!
To start you off, here are mine (Brace yourselves - Eeek!):

Here are my Blog Candy deets:
- Mister Linky will end at Midnight GMT, Sunday 7th March and I'll use Random.org to randomly select a winner the following day.
- This is candy is open worldwide!
- To enter, use Mister Linky below with a link to the actual post of your first creation either from your blog or online gallery.
- Obviously I'd love it if you could spread the word about the my blog candy and became a follower but it's not mandatory...I don't want to force you to stick around but keep a tab on me to find out if you've won!
- The winner will have 5 days to contact me (a_wanford@hotmail.com) with their address otherwise I'll select another winner.
Enough babbling from me - now share that first creation!
Hey, happy blogaversary Aimes!!! Here's to many many more:)
Vicki x
PS. Do you think you should treat yourself to a little pressy?...lol
I don't have a photo of my first creation (thank goodness!!) but I linked up my first upload to SCS. Happy Blogaversary, and thanks for the chance to win!
And here I was expecting some horrible creation, but yours are totally CUTE!
LOL, just look at mine (it's horrendous!):
Ewwwwwww... LOL
Congrats, girlie! SO glad I've met you through blogging!
You are one tough cookie, though, making us post our early cards. I posted my first Splitcoast card...which I scanned! LOL! Don't be too scared!
Oh good grief girlie....first of all congrats on your blogoversary!!!! What would the PTI world do without your fabbie creations:)
Secondly, yipes...I linked my first blog post..just remember it was Nov 2007...don't laugh too hard.
Me again....I checked out the linkies and saw that Ann posted her first SCS upload...here's mine:
Things haven't changed much from 2005...I loved Starbucks back then too!
Happy blogaversary sweetheart. I remember those cards wel as they are gorgeous. Here s to many happy returns. Big hugs
ps Please don't add me to the candy draw I have no room for more stash LOL xx
Oh now this sounds exciting! I still have my very first card and it's so awful (hence why I still have it!) I just have to share it! Even the picture of it is awful lol! What a brilliant idea, I'm so glad we progress in life and don't go backwards!!!
Happy Blogoversary, I'm so glad you started blogging as your projects are a joy to see and are always inspirational. Wishing you many more blog filled years xx
Awh it only seems like yesterday our little girl was taking her first crafty steps LOL!
I can't imagine this world without you my sweet - a big ray of sunshine that always makes me smile.
Happy Blogaverssary!
Emma xx
Hello! Nice candy and amazing blog! happy Blogaverssary! Greetings from Poland!My Blog:
happy blog-aversary, i had a look back at some of my early creations - they're hideous so i dont want to share ;)
That is so nice you give a chance to "show off" my first creation;)
and thanks a lot for your candy!!!
Aimes what a fab idea I have linked mine :) hee hee
Thank you for the chance to win your candy, happy blogaversary xx
Greetings from Ukraine. It was good to remember their first cards.
My first card here http://freetany.blogspot.com/2009/02/blog-post_23.html
A post about candy here http://freetany.blogspot.com/2010/02/blog-post_22.html
Happy Blogaversary, and thanks for the chance to win!
Well congratulations on your blogaversary!
Thank you for the chance to win this wonderful candy.sorry for my english!!!1
saluti dall'italia my first page scrapbooking http://kreattiva.blogspot.com/2009/10/1-pagina-scrap.html
public tomorrow the post on http://blogcandymania.blogspot.com/
Hugs, rosa
i am new follower ;-)
Congrats and happy blogaversary Aimes! Wishing you many more years of inspiration!
Hello! Nice candy and amazing blog! Happy Blogaverssary! Greetings from Russian! I'm just started do my first scrap-works, so my 4 cards for the holiday for my family of men - this is my first work) You can see it on my blog:
Thank you for opportunity to participate in the Candy.
Congrats on your blogaversary! I think these cards are totally cute!
Happy blogaversary Aimes, luckily there are no photos of the first cards I created as they were so long ago - woohoo, spared that embarrasement, they were pretty dire LOL
Happy blogaversary!
A post about candy here http://volshebnayashkatulochka.blogspot.com/2010/02/blog-post_22.html
My first work was a calendar... And the newest one this time, too! :O)
I linked your candy on my sidebar.
Thanks for the chance to win this great candy.
Congrats on your Blogaversary!!! :) Am glad to share my first card which was made with some quilled flowers. The card was gifted to my super boss on Diwali - known as festival of lights in india! I think it was a decent attempt and made my boss happy.
Hope u like it too.
Me gustaría participar en tu candy, he estado recordando mi primera tarjeta y he abierto un post en mi blog. No hace tanto que la hice, asi que espero haber mejorado pero todavía me queda muchisimo por aprender.
Happy Blogoversary...
Isn´t it fascinating how our creativity in artwork evolves!?
Wishing you more years to study this :-)) and me to follow your Blog .
Best wishes, Gabi
OOh thansk for the trip down memory lane - or not in my case LOL. It's good to look back though and see how we've progressed!
Love your work on the PTI blog so I've become a follower too
Happy Blogoversary and thanks for the chance to win
Jan x
Happy blogaversary Aimes!!!
So nice cards! I love the Japanese images ))) I follower your blog.
Greetings from Russia. Hugs. Larisa.
Happy blogversary!
Hugs from Italy!! ^_^
Mijn eerste briefkaart Lepesto4ex
Happy Blogversary!!!
my first card for my husband http://korogodina.blogspot.com/2010_01_01_archive.html
link on candy on my sidebar)
hope win
Happy blog anniversary! I added my first creation in Mr Linky.
Великолепная конфета!Моя первая открытка здесь: http://polaris34.blogspot.com/2010/01/blog-post.html
Извините, но я не умею по английски.
Happy Blog Anniversary!
I really like you're candy a lot, so thanks for the chance to win!
Come to visit my blog here
my very first cards you can see here
hello! unfortunately I do not speak very well English, but I hope you will understand to me. I hope of being able to participate to the extraction! good lucky person to all! I do not have a blog, I can raggiungeri to the email damadellespezie@gmail.com :)
What fun! Now I need to dig up my first cards in blog world!
happy anniversary, happy anniversary, happy anniversary, HAPPY anniversary!! (that's sung to a little tune as well!) One year of fabulous-ness!! You inspire me so much, Amy...really you do...I love visiting your blog and connecting with a fellow PTI/card making fan from over a country and ocean :) But I can't believe you're making us post our first card!! LOL I don't have pictures of my very first cards...never took any way back when, so here are the two firsts...off Splitcoast and then off my blog when I started it last summer :) Love and hugs to you and your blog!!
My first Blog card
My first Splitcoast card
Hi! New follower here =) Happy belated blogaversary. I think your first creations are amazing (probably a million times better than my cards now lol!). Keep up the fantastic work and thanks!! I'm off to post a pic in my side bar =)
happy blogaversary, My first work:
Happy Blog Anniversary!
Am glad to share my first card
It was for Christmas.
Happy Blogaversary :)! I posted about your blog candy giveaway on my blog, as well as posting a picture of your blog candy on my sidebar of my blog. I also posted a picture of the first card I posted on my blog.
Here is my blog addy:
Inky hugs,
Happy Blogaversary Aimes - I did it and managed to link my first project - Thanks for your help - Ju xx
Happy Blogaversary Aimes!! Gosh, can't believe you've only been at this a year!! Amazing how far you've come in such little time! Can't wait to see what the next year holds for you!!
I can't remember which of my early cards was my first so that's my get out of jail free card, lol! Needless to say my ability and my style has changed drastically since then!!
Yummy calorie free candy! :) Happy blogoversary, Amy. I can't believe you have only been blogging for a year- you're such a pro!
happy blogversary aimes!
i'm also started blogging just about the same time as you are. but i start making my first card a few month after that.
you are so amazing aimes,in just one year you have done making so many beautiful cards! congratulations! i hope you will continue blogging and inspire a lot of people!
wish you a very best blogversary and have a beautiful days. and also,thank you for the chance to win.
nasuha =)
Hi Aimes,
Conrats on your first year. I'm about to reach mine too. I linked up my first card.... boy it seems like a long time ago.
I love the sky and mountains in your first ever card - it's so pretty!! Amazing for a first effort.
Love your blog - thanks for the opportunity to win Aimes,
Love Lucy xx
Hi Amy, congratulations on your blogging anniversary. I've linked Mr Linky to the first of my blog posts that has a LO in it (almost 3 years ago). My style has really changed, LOL!!
It's not funny. I don't like my first creations...
But still, here it is - if I have to show it to be in your blogoversary giveaway so be it!!
But please don't make me do this again...!!!
La Vikinga a bit ashamed..
La Vikinga forgot the link to blog:
Hi Amy,
Congratulations and happy blogaversary!!
Keep up the lovely creations and inspire more people out there..
again, congrate..
Ms Daisy
Original card.
Yami-yami!!! Very tasty candy!!!:)
thank you for the chance to win your lovely candy. posted the link in my candy sidebar.
Ein tolles Candy!! Ich versuche mein Glück!!
LG Silke
PS - just became a subscriber to all 3 of your blogs! :D
Oh what fun! I don't think my link is my "very first" card ever made, but it was back in 2005 which is when I started stamping, so I hope it counts. What a marvelous idea Amy!!
Thanks, I hope you don't mind me linking to my flickr picture!
wow it's beautiful!!!!! sorry for my english helped me google
I would love to win because I started hours
This is really some wonderful candy.. Thanks for a chance to win..un saluto dall'Italia bye bye rosa blogged:http://blogcandymania.blogspot.com/
i am new follower
Happy blogoversary!
My very first cards were really yukkie. :)
I posted link on them, but that old blog is on russian... well, at least you can see pictures. :)
And I've posted link on you on sidebar of my current blog: http://yukkie-cards.blogspot.com/
Thanks for returning memories. :)
Thanks for the opportunity to win...I just found your gorgeous, gorgeous blog...from a comment you left on my blog.
I love your style...can't wait to see many more of your creations.
Congrats on your 1st blogaversary!
I've linked my first post, and thank you for the chance to look back again and for the chance to win (past & future...).
et bien je souhaite un bel anniversaire à ton blog et surtout qu'il souffle encore plein de bougies parce que j'aime ce que tu fais!!
bonne soirée
Congrats on your first blogaversary Aimes! It's been lovely knowing you for the past year... here's to many more!
Have a good week,
Alex x
It's not my first card ever, just the first one I posted on my blog. I was sooo proud of it. It doesn't look bad, but my cardmakingskills have definately developed! I have a candy too if you want to join, linked you on my candypost.
Happy Happy Blog-aversary Aimes! And I can't believe those were the first cards you EVER made. They are freakin' amazing! What were you, a card making genius from the start?
I doubt I could find a pic of the first card I ever made...I didn't own a camera when I made them, but I might be able to find the first card I ever posted on my blog 4 years ago...does thast count?
Love your stuff Aimes. Keep on bloggin so we can all be inspired.
Sorry this is a bit late but a HUGE congrats on your blog anniversary hun! I can't imagine a blogging world without you - your inspiration, your support, and your friendship - you've been just the best buddy and I luv ha heaps!!! Here's to the next year! K xx
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